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Grumpy Speaks!

Why start a website in a world of Facebook & Twitter? They do all the heavy lifting for you, right?

That may be the point. Sometimes when something is catered you lose control, freedom of choice. Your buffet is just like everyone else’s. Wine with your whine? Creativity is stifled by convenience, which is the alligator in life’s moat. If you do Facebook then your stuff starts to look like everyone else and fitting in with the herd mentality has always been the ultimate horror. Is there me in there among all those them? Tweet this!

For me, cutting loose seems to be starting a web site. Targeted at Old Men, a demographic who is probably the last to be on Facebook or Twitter or the web at all. Curmudgeons don’t dance or blog, we just go through light in a cruisingly low voltage bad mood. I pray I have the stamina to keep this going. This can’t be like a diet or exercise. Somebody may depend on me someday so I must press on. Don Quixote would be proud of Don Cyoti.

Grumpy speaks!


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